Peter the Great vs. Catherine the Great--Who Was Greater?

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Essay Database > History > World History
During the strife and civil unrest of Russia, after the death of Ivan the Terrible in 1584, there was an prevailing demand for a powerful leader ready to rule and reestablish Russia to become more stable, more westernized, and most importantly, to become a reckonable force. Russia answered by providing a czar and a czarina to rebuild Russia and lead it away from the troubles it faced following its Mongolian rule--Peter the Great and Catherine the …

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…was to use the army Peter established to defeat the Turks. Moreover, while Peter made changes in the economy of Russia and encouraged trade and manufacturing, Catherine simply claimed some of Poland's land together with Prussia and Austria. Peter the Great paved the road and Catherine the Great simply made use of it. Although Catherine did make many contributions, Peter was greater to be able to accomplish many of the things he did for Russia.