Persuesive Essay on Animal Testing

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Over 80 Million animals die a year due to animal testing, yet it is still legal. Letting even 1,000 humans die a year due to laboratory testing would be unethical and illegal, but testing millions of animals is legal and accepted by many people in our society. The fact that animals are not equal to humans doesn't give us the right to allow them to be sacrificed, tortured, and destroyed just so we can wear makeup, perfume, …

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…It's an easy task to stop buying animal tested products. Revlon and Avon being the first major companies in 1989 to stop testing led the path for many other companies to stop testing. There are lists of products available at the PETA website, allowing you to get a list of all the companies who do and don't continue animal testing. Shopping carefully and protecting our animal can only lead us into a better more enjoyable future.