Persuasive Essay on Video Game Violence.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Control Your Kids, not Video Game Violence Mike Howe Video game violence should not be lessened in any way. MAVAV (Mothers against Video Game Addiction and Violence) and other parents feel as though there is now too much violence in video games. They state, "video game companies continue to market violence aimed at vulnerable children and young teens" (MAVAV.ORG). Their children should be controlled, not the games. The games themselves are not alive, but …

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…and pay more attention to their own kids, and control them and their behaviors. If your saying that your kids are paying attention too much to video games, and they are learning more bad than good, then the parents should be trying to get the kids to listen to them and learn from them, instead of the T.V. You can't blame games for teaching your kids the wrong way, but you can blame parents.