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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Pendulum Aim: (1) To determine the value of g, the acceleration due qqqgravity (2) And to investigate how the period time (t) of an gggoscillating Pendulum, varies with the length of the string. Apparatus/Material: retort stand, String, Bob, Protractor, Stop watch. Procedure: (1) length of pendulum was measured, (2) An angle of 50ْْ was the size of the angle to which gggpendulum was raised and released, (3) The time for twenty oscillations was recorded for gggthat length and angles (4) Steps (1) …

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…of how carefully we were. (2) And person controlling stop watch couldn't >>stop the identical moment when 20 oscillations were made that >>is impossible. Calculations; T" = 4π"lg 1.225" = 39.48 X .365/g 1.500625g = 14.4102 g = 14.4102/1.5006265 g=9.60 conclusion; the acceleration due to gravity is 9.577 and the period time T of am oscillating pendulum gets faster when the length of the string is shorten, in other words the frequency of the pendulum is increased when the string is lessen .