Peace in the Middle East: Jumpstarting the Process This was written in Feb 2003 for a International Relations course. What the US should do to make progress in the Israeli/Palestinian problem.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
Since the Six Day War in 1967, what little peace that has been experienced in the Middle East has only been saturated with tension. The Israelis and the Palestinians are consumed in an ongoing situation consisting of cycling attacks and counterattacks. Palestinian violence provokes the Israeli government to enforce harsher regulation of Muslim towns, in return producing more Palestinian violence (Congressional Quarterly). The problem is certainly tragic and has no clear solution. No matter how difficult …

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…lt;<>>. Kipper, Judith. "Peace Offering?" 13 May 2002. 2003 ABCNEWS Internet Ventures. <<>>. Locker, Philip. "What is the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?" <<>>. Touger, Rabbi Eliyahu. "The Territorial Integrity of Israel: A Life Threatening Concern." <<>>.