Peace Will Never Be Established In the Middle East.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
Peace will never be established in the Middle East due to the fact of many contributing forces causing conflict. In the following essay i will explain these factors and how there will never be peace in the Middle East in the Middle East there are many different examples of ethnic conflict in the middle East. Maybe one of the well known conflicts is the Arab-Israeli conflict. This conflict is a very clear example of why …

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…was framed for treason because he was Jewish. The act of discriminating against Jews is called anti-semitism.(Judaism) This incident outraged Jews and with that they acquired a sence of nationalism or pride in thier country, and many jews fled back to thier holy land of Jersumlum. This is why peace will never be established in the Middle East. Due to the fact the fact that there is etnic conflict between many people living thier.