PayDay Freecell Game Review

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Payday Freecell I was playing Payday Freecell on AOL Games. I don't know who the intended audience for this game would be, but I have seen people both old and young playing the game. I honestly don't even really know what to think the intention of the game is. The only intention that I would think of to play a game, at least in my life is to kill time because I have nothing better …

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…playing rooms to choose from depending on if you would like the room to have uncensored chat or whatever the name of the room is that strikes your interest. The only minimum requirement listed for Payday Freecell is an AOL account. There is no more information on how much memory, what internet speed, and so forth that you would need to be able to play the game with all the components in good working order.