Paper on Amnesia

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Amnesia Amnesia is typically defined as partial or total loss of memory. The occurrence of amnesia can arise at any age. Individuals who suffer from amnesia typically remain lucid and preserve their sense of self. Amnesiacs can obtain a perfectly normal appearance despite the amnesia. Moreover, they also have the capacity to read and comprehend words. Based on these facts, researchers have arrived at the conclusion that more than one area in the brain is …

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…no permanent loss of memory. Those who suffer from other types of amnesia due to severe brain damage may have permanent damage depending on the degree of damage. Even if a person is suffering from severe amnesia it is not to say that they will not be able to live relatively normal lives. Through therapy amnesiacs can learn to rely on other memory systems to compensate for the other memory systems that they have lost.