Pandemic Influenza: An Invective Essay

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
It seems that since the beginning of time, we are plagued every year with influenza, or "the flu." Changes in the genetic makeup of this virus require us to develop new vaccines on an annual basis to attempt to prevent this virus especially in those that are elderly or chronically ill, since for them, influenza could be gravely detrimental or even fatal. With shortages of vaccines over the past years and ineffective methods of producing …

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…in college around the alleged time of arrival of a pandemic, and if it becomes necessary to get a flu vaccine then you should try to take immediate action. However, it has been reported that the number one best way to decrease the likelihood of getting flu is to simply regularly wash your hands. If everyone is cautious and appropriate steps are taken, then we should be more prepared in the event of pandemic influenza.