Pablo Picasso.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Pablo, Picasso (a Spanish painter) who is widely acknowledged to be the most important artist of the 20th century was born Pablo Ruiz in Malaga, Spain and later adopted his mother's unique name Picasso. Though Picasso was born in Spain he spent most of his life in France. As a child Pablo was a prodigy. He studied art first privately with his father and then at the Academy of Fine Arts in La Coruna, Spain, …

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…ment, which he and Braque inspired, had a number of followers. Its innovations gave rise to a host of other 20th-century art movements. While still a medical student, Williams founded Provident Hospital in 1891 to provide greater opportunities for black medical professionals. Provident was the first Chicago hospital to admit blacks to its staff, and the first racially integrated hospital in the city. It included the first nursing school for black women in the United States.