Ouline of the use and functions of DFD (data flow diagrams).

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) 1. Introduction When system analysts attempt to understand the information requirements of users, they must be able to conceptualize how data moves through the organization, the processes or transformations that the data undergoes, and what the outputs are. Through a structured analysis technique called data flow diagrams (DFDs), the systems analyst can put together a graphical representation of data processes throughout the organization. The data flow approach emphasizes the logic underlying the …

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…are not represented at higher levels by summary information. Make sure that all lower level DFD's map into the level 1 DFD. REFERENCES Bocij, P., Chaffey, D.(Ed), Greasley, A., and Hickie, S., (1999), Business Information System - Technology, Development and Management, Pitman Publishing. Kendall K.E, and Kendall J. E., (2002), Systems Analysis and Design, Fifth Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc, New Jersey. Lejk M., and Deeks D., (1998), An introduction to systems Analysis Techniques, Prentice Hall, Trowbridge, UK.