Organizational Behavior class: A Manager as a Successful Oracle. Discusses the effects of self-fulfilling prophecy in the workplace. Examples from two movies: "Gung Ho" and "White Man's Burden".

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
We often become what unconsciously others expect of us, or we ourselves expect. How can such a self-empowering and at the same time discouraging research hold true? Aren't we the makers of our own future? Yes, if we make a conscious attempt in the right direction we can achieve anything we desire. However, people in general tend to align to other people's expectations, especially if that person is your superior. Furthermore, unfortunately, all of us …

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…based on the person's anticipation. Such anticipation can take on many extroverted and introverted forms, including direct communication, or simply body language with a person. Therefore, a manager is destined to fail if the underlying expectation of the staff's is low and the manager has inadequate expectation from himself, or herself. On a much more positive note, a manager can produce extraordinary results by simply believing and reasonably challenging the underlying staff's ability and skill.