Opinion essay on equity of women.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Many people believe that women have reached the optimum of equality in today's world. They say women are completely equal to men, and that that fact should not be argued. However, women have not gained equality through our efforts. The fact is, in today's society there are continuous cycles that will never allow women to be equal to men. First of all, media has gone and created the "perfect women" if you will, which is …

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…complicated for woman to have equality. Therefore, females are unequal to males in today's society. So, it is wrong to say that men and women are now equal, because of stereotyping of women in media, and because of the effects of sexual assaults on the female population, also, as the role in the household has remained to be based on similar morals. No matter what women will never gain complete and inclusive equality to men.