"Of Mice and Men" Critical Evaluation.

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Discuss the importance of dreams in Steinbeck's novel, "Of Mice and Men," The novel I have just read is "of Mice and Men," by John Steinbeck. The name of the story ties on with the novel itself as it was taken from the great Scottish Poet, Robert Burns's "To a Mouse" "The Best laid schemes O' Mice and Men gang aft agley An leave us nought but grief and pain For Promised Joy," This is …

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…novel people's dreams are crushed, and it has a sad ending. I think Steinbeck portrays that dreams are important, and give us a reason to go on, but can also be crushed, and have to be realistic to come true. Slim is the only character who is content, a man who lives only in the present. Only the naïve - like Lenny - would believe that dreams could really come true.