Oedipus' dislikeable qualities do not change throughout the books Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonuss

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Throughout one's lifetime, he or she learns many different sayings that hold true in many different facets of life. Many of these sayings regard things not being what they seem. A specific example comes to mind when analyzing Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus. It is that "looks may be deceiving." To the naked eye, it appears as though Oedipus changes throughout the two plays. However, upon further inspection, many, if not all, of the …

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…shows how selfish he is by refusing to do so. Many things can happen in a lifetime. For most people, change is a given, something that happens because of experiences, growth, etc. However, Oedipus is not most people. His undesirable traits remain, unchanged, throughout the two plays. Although it may appear that Oedipus is a changed man, in reality he is not. His temper, stubbornness, and selfishness are some of the qualities that remain unchanged.