Odysseus' Strengths and Weaknesses

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Odysseus' Strengths and Weaknesses The Odyssey by Homer is a metaphor for one man's spiritual quest. Throughout the story Odysseus develops and growth. Odysseus learns how to use his brain instead of his hands. He starts to listen to the advices of different people. He also finally understands the advice given by the blind prophet Tiresias: "It is the journey, not the destination." At the beginning of the story Odysseus has some weaknesses that prolong …

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…He makes two smart choices. Odysseus survived all that happened to him. His courage, wits, and endurance enabled him to come through each and every difficulty and arrive home safely. It is very important to overcome your pride and to listen to other people when they are giving you an advice. Patience is also very helpful in peoples lives. Those things will make anybody a better person, and that person will be respected by everybody.