Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) in the workplace.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
OH&S In The Workplace Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) in the workplace requires co-operation from both employers and employees to ensure that the workplace is a healthy and safe environment. Both employees and employers are required to co-operate by the rights and responsibilities that are set for them. OH&S is the safety procedures in place in every enterprise to ensure both the health and safety of each and every …

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…the worker can apply for Workers Compensation where they can receive money to cover their losses, and to pay for medical treatment. Workers Compensation can also be paid to the families of workers who die because of a work injury. In conclusion, it is evident that co-operation from both employers and their employees is needed to ensure that the work place is a healthy and safe environment, with the help of legislations along the way.