Nuclear Fusion.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
"Fission or Fusion" Thousands of hydrogen atoms start to collide together. One after another, they crash at each other with great magnetism for the energy about to form. Like a lover's kiss, the atoms meet and embrace each other in a boiling pot of immense force. Out of the vast open blue space, an outside force crumples with the bubbling energy. With the speed of light, the atoms are forced together closer and closer until …

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…Copyright 1998-2003., inc. 15 April 2003 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Livermore, California. 15 April 2003. Guided tour through the National Ignition Facility, NIF. "Nuclear Fusion" encyclopedia The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Copyright 1994-200, Columbia. Speth, Joel. Personal interview. 15 April 2003. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Kaku, Michio and Trainer, Jennifer. Nuclear Power: Both Sides: The best arguments for and against the most controversial technology. W.W. Norton & Company. September 1983.