Nitrates in water By Danny Lewis

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Nitrates contamination of the world's underground water supply poses as a potentially serious health hazard to the human inhabitants on earth. High nitrate levels found in well water has been proven to be the cause for numerous health conditions across the globe. If we intend to provide for the future survival of man, and life on planet earth, we must take action now to assure the quality of one of our most precious resources, our …

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…call your local public works department. Nitrate contamination poses a serious health threat to all of us. Each of us uses a little more than 50 gallons of fresh water every day. When all our fresh water is contaminated beyond use, our world will not be a pleasant environment to live in. We must all act now to maintain a fresh water system that will be capable of sustaining us, and many generations into the future.