Night Terrors and Nightmares in Children: A Researched Essay.

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Night Terrors and Nightmares in Children Imagine; it is 10:00 at night and you are getting ready for bed. You hear your child, who you put to bed about two hours before, screaming in their bedroom. When you enter the room, your child is sitting up in the bed thrashing their arms and legs wildly, still screaming and crying. You assume that they have had a nightmare and you embrace them to calm them down. To …

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…J. M.D. Guide to Your Child's Sleep. New York: Villard Books,1999. Ferber, Richard, M.D. Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985. Gulick, Connie. Sleep of Terror. Oct. 1998. 20 Feb. 2003. < ncon/nightterrors.htm>. Mindell, Jodi, A., Ph.D. Sleeping Through the Night. New York: Harper Collins, 1997. "Night Terrors in Children". Night Terrors. 10 Sept. 1998. 15 Feb 2003. <http://www.>.