Nietzsche's Three Histories

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
According to Nietzsche there are three types of history. It is important to understand these distinct types of history so that one may use history and ones memory of the past to its fullest advantage. We must be putting history to the task of affirming our present lives and using it to effectively build our future. This is one key attribute that separates us from animals. They are happy because they cannot remember their mistakes …

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…each, that, if taken into proper consideration will no doubt prove advantageous. It is also important to recognize the propensity for destructive nature that each possesses. The answer must then be that one must take all three types of history into consideration and apply only the strengths one ascertains from each. Not allowing for any of the flaws apparent in all three to overtake the good of what each has to offer is the key.