New Techniques for New Technol

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Improving technology in the ski market is what makes skiing such a fun and enjoyable sport. Each and every year, skiers find themselves with a host of new products to make their sport easier to learn and advance in their ability. One of the most significant achievements in ski technology is the advent of "shaped skis" or "super-sidecut skis". These skis, unlike traditional skis, require little effort to turn them and since their introduction on …

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…Fogarty has been skiing for over 20 years and snowboarding for 10 years. He is a member of PSIA and is currently teaching all levels of skiing and snowboarding at New Hermon Mountain in Hermon, ME. Sources: Johnson, P. "New Tricks for Old Dogs." SKI Magazine December 2000: 57+. Daniels, H. "Why Ski Schools Fail." SKI Magazine December 2000: 31-33. Mackey, S. "Are You Getting Bad Advice?" Skiing January 2001: 23-29. Ross, A. "The 5 W's of Exam Preparation." PSIA-E Newsletter Winter 2001: 2.