New Ideas for Corporate Fraud/Should there be more government oversight of corporate finances?

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <Tab/>There is not enough government oversight of corporate finances. The attached report recommends that all companies be required to implement fraud prevention programs, be audited using a new approach to detect material fraud, have a fraud specialist participate in the audit and have certain individuals within the corporation attend annual anti-fraud training. <Tab/>Based on the number of cases the FBI has been actively …

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…the reader can conceptually understand the context your arguments are based upon. You did an excellent job in explaining to the reader why corrupt businesses should be held accountable. The best part of your paper concerns the "putting yourself in their shoes" component. Your "...Martha Stewart" example was an excellent way to allow your reader to say "yea, the author is definitely on track with the way we should all feel!" Once again, excellent job!