Never Given a Chance, is a pro-life opinion based essay.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Never Given a Chance How many Michaelangelos' have we destroyed in the name of convenience? How many Edisons' have we effaced from the pages of human progress? The fertilized egg of an eagle legally has more rights than an unborn child. In Wisconsin, if you step on a snail, you can be fined 10,000 dollars, but a woman can have her baby's brains sucked out of its head right into the 32nd week of pregnancy with …

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…strive to heal the sick, feed the hungry or help make peace among nations. Abortion has denied them the most basic of their human rights and we are forever poorer for their loss. We are poorer not simply for the lives not lived and the contributions not made, but also for the damage of our sense of worth and dignity. To diminish the value of one level of human life is to diminish us all.