Networks and Modern Communications

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
With the emergence of the Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) introduced in the early 1970's by Xerox, the telecommunications world has welcomed this newfound gift with open arms. Since communications is such a vital aspect of all businesses these days, proper acquaintance with this marvelous technology can greatly enhance a company's productivity and efficiency. Three major technological trends combine to create the potential for wholly new networking possibilities. These possibilities will in turn give rise …

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…regulating such data.The best guide to the way the law should work is to study the past and the present, not to attempt to predict every possible future. When a new media technology emerges, the best thing to do is to wait and see what problems actually emerge, not panic about what could happen. Once we understand the actual risks, we can legislate accordingly and with full regard to the competing interests at stake.