Ned Kelly and his life.

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Essay Database > History > World History
NED KELLY (1854 - 1880) On a cold June morning, more than 100 years ago a bushranger called Ned Kelly fought his final battle. He was an outlaw who rode a horse, put on a suit of armour and fought police. Today, Ned Kelly is an Australia legend. Ned, the eldest of eight children, was born to Irish parents in Victoria in 1854. He was just twelve years of age when his ex-convict father died and his family settled …

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…He was twenty-five years old. Today Ned is everywhere. His giant form welcomes visitors to what is still called Kelly Country, where every ten years the Glenrowan siege is reenacted. For many, the making of Ned Kelly the legend, raises questions about how Australians see themselves. For some he's no more than a criminal but for others he continues to be seen as brave and daring and , a bit of a larrikin, someone distinctly Australian.