Nature vs. Man in Frankentein

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Essay Database > Literature
Although humans have the tendency to experiment with mother nature, often the results can prove disastrous, even deadly endings. The tale of Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, focused on the outcome of one man's self-indulgence to manipulate nature, which resulted in the creation of a horrific monster. Victor Frankenstein chose to infringe the rules of nature when he created life, however did not think about the consequences of what could happen. After he created the abnormality …

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…to a monster that could never be entirely accepted by the human society. Frankenstein neglected to take responsibility of his creation and resulted in him losing his closest family, which really meant a great deal to him. Frankenstein was even more responsible for his own death, than his creation. Everything important in Frankenstein's life ended up being destroyed, including his own. In fact, nature proved that no man will ever overpower the laws of nature.