"Native Son", by Richard Wright - Essay Title: Bigger's Progression

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Throughout Native Son, by Richard Wright, Bigger Thomas, the protagonist, transforms from a hateful and violent rebel to an understanding, transcendental person. Right from the start, Bigger was a person who had little control over his life and his actions. His life was mainly controlled by his mother, who would encourage Bigger to go out and get a legible job in order to support the family. Bigger's actions were controlled by his fear, as he …

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…black or white race, rather, the human race. Richard Wright clearly wanted to show the public a graphic example of average black life. He made it clear that if white people alter the way they act towards black people, black people will change and everybody will be equal. If more people would be understanding like Max (although being a hint of propaganda for communism) then black and white people in America can live in egalitarianism.