Napoleon and the French Revolution; Explain in what ways Napoleon has come to be considered the greatest enlightened despot. Make sure to include a definition of an enlightened despot.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Some of history's greatest rulers such as Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Frederick the Great, and Joseph II have been considered to be enlightened despot. One of these was also Napoleon Bonaparte. They ways by which Napoleon has been considered to be a despot are through his economic policies, religious and educational policies, and the Code Napoleon. The term "enlightened despot" has been used to describe many great rulers, but it might be misinterpreted. …

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…ightened despots, but Napoleon Bonaparte is known to be the greatest enlightened despot until today. In a pattern similar to other despots, the people of France loved Napoleon at first, but enough they began to hate him. The ways through which he became the greatest enlightened despot are economic policies, religious and education policies, and the Code Napoleon. Only time will be able to show us if there a greater enlightened despot than Napoleon Bonaparte.