NASCAR Racing: The Best Sport Around

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Essay Database > Entertainment
I take pleasure in watching most professional sports, because of their attention-grabbing and exhilarating performance. Yet, nothing is as thrilling as NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing). NASCAR racing is one of the most interesting and exciting sports in today's America. There are several well-known sports that people watch in America. They talk about how excellent and easier said than done that certain sport is or how much talent a professional in that …

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…in leaps and bounds. Watching a NASCAR race is a total-body experience: the earth-shattering sound of a 790 horsepower engine roaring when a driver flips the ignition switch, the sight of 43 colorful cars flying around a track fender-to-fender as the grandstands shake, and the gritty smell of burned rubber mixed with gasoline. If watching races on television from your living room isn't enough of a rush for you, it's time to head out to the track.