Mythology of the Middle East.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Mythology of the Middle East 1.The heart of the ancient Middle East was the Mesopotamia, where the popular religion was animistic. This means that the world was thought to be full of mysterious and unpredictable forces. 2.Most myths originated in scribal centres attached to the temples. They are found on the clay tablets discovered in the archives of such cities as Ur, Babylon, and Nineveh. The text inscribed on these tablets is still disputed. 3.Sumer …

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…of air and wind. Another important god was Tishtrya, the rain god, whose myth exemplifies the universal Middle Eastern conflict story. Some time in the 6th or 7th century BC the prophet Zoroaster formalized the inherent dualism of the Persian faith. Ahura Mazdah became alone worthy of absolute worship. The main Zoroastrian myth deals with Mazdah as the creator of the beneficent universe. The main conflict eventually ends with the victory of good over evil.