Myth of theTornados

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Myth of The Tornadoes This was the time when gods ruled the universe and used the earth as their playground. The days where perfect for the month of May. The crops of the people grew fast and healthy, and the soil was rich as gold. The gods were being nice this year but people still knew that June was yet to come, the most dreaded month of the year, for this was the month of …

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…their foolishness Petri put them into wooden boxes with only their heads sticking out and in the boxes he put scorpions which stung them every time they moved. But every June Petri releases them to fight and get their anger out at each other and after they have vented their cooped-up energy, usually around September, Petri puts them back into their boxes and all the people are free to go about their lives in peace.