Myth Comparisons.

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
The Japanese creation myth started out with the earth being a formless void of nothing but muddy water. From that water a green shoot sprung and inside it was the first god, who made all the other gods. Out of all he created though, Izagami and Izanami were the most perfect. The islands of Japan were formed when Izagami poked his staff through the clouds to see what was on the surface of the earth. …

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…talks about animals and how they got a certain way, ours explains how the cobra became the symbol of the pharaoh's of Egypt. Because the cobra was instrumental in getting ra to give up the throne, it was always worn on the head of the ruler. Though both stories have animals in them, the similarities end there. The Egyptian myth is more of a story that explains a tradition while the African myth explains nature.