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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Why Penguins Don't Fly Ages ago when the earth was young Penguins majestically soared through the heavens. They were a species considered by the gods to be as equal to the humans in their grace and wisdom of the ways of the earth. They were the kings of the sky the proudest of beasts. That is until the Oracle at Delphi foresaw a child being born of the blood of almighty Zeus himself, who would …

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…kin never to fly again. Little did he know Zeus had already Restery himself into a Penguin and the curse caused Restery and all the other penguins to come crashing down to earth? Restery can never be changed back into a man because he cannot fly to Mount Olympus were Zeus can make him a man again. The prophecy made so many years ago had been fulfilled penguins could no longer take to the skie.