My view on "abortion" may agree and disagree with certain arguments each Philosopher has. I will be discussing Mary Anne Warren, Don Marquis, and Barbara Katz Rothman.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
By Puppetmaster Abortion Ethics I will have to examine the issue of Sally and Tom on a couple different levels. After all, with each different view, either pro-life or pro-choice, and depending on each Philosopher, which I will be discussing Mary Anne Warren, Don Marquis, and Barbara Katz Rothman, each view will have different conclusions with different reasoning. Just as well as my view on the issue may agree and disagree with certain arguments each …

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…well as people due to fear of disability. So their decision was not morally wrong to abort the abnormal fetus. Each Philosopher I have discussed has its feasible argument. I agree with Anne Warren's personhood list, but I mostly agree with Rothman and how it depends on the woman in whose body the pregnancy is unfolding. The woman and only the woman definitely should determine this issue without question. "By all odds they should win".