My poetry explication of Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" Provides summary, form, elements, and meaning for each stanza.

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"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost-Poetry Explication Summary: A man (or woman) reflects back and contemplates decisions while knowingly recalls how they stood and pondered long ago on which road they should take. A decision is made and a road that has been chosen, or perhaps a particular road is beckoning him/her on. Confirmation is given that he/she wants to keep the other road open as an option to perhaps travel it …

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…The literal meaning of the poem is that a traveler who came to a fork in a road in a yellow wood and couldn't decide on which road to take but finally chose to take the one that seemed less traveled by. Figuratively, the theme of the poem is the crucial nature of the choices people must make on the road of life. The story took place in a yellow wood in the morning time.