My essay is about sexual education and why it is important to teenagers.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
I think that sexual education should be taught in middle school and high school. There are too many teenagers popping up with babies and that is not the worst. Teenagers are getting sexually transmitted diseases and now the updated term is STI. Teenagers need to take sex ed serious, because when you have sex with a person and that person has had sex with someone else, then you are sleeping with everyone else down the …

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…ed than in school. Teenagers need to realize that there body is a gift from God and they need to take care of it and the best way is being abstinent. Teenagers need to look at reality and see how the AIDS population has grown over the years. It's not a joke. Sex ed should be a required class and teenagers need to know that it only takes one time for a baby or STI.