My Body Is My Own Business: an essay on North America's idea of female beauty, how it affects women, and how the media contributes.

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Essay Database > Entertainment
For women, trying to live up to the standards of beauty in North America can be an extremely dangerous feat and is nowhere near an accurate depiction of a female's true beauty. By examining the norm of women's beauty in today's society, the dangers involved in achieving it and how false these standards actually are, one will understand just how unorthodox North American perfection has become. Perfection is a dangerous word that has claimed the …

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…through. The constant changes of what's "hot" and trying to keep up, the dangers of keeping a perfect body and shape, and the fact that they usually are doing it for people who they have never spoken to in their lives. They put on this masquerade to impress all that would look their way and in the process, they miss the reality of who they should really be trying to focus on, their loved ones.