My Afghan Hound Story. Question to essay: Write a essay about any experience you or dream that you had.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
MY AFGHAN HOUND STORY This is a very strange story of my life and it all started with my obsession with Afghan hounds. Not so long ago I saw an Afghan hound and I wanted to cry, because I wanted a dog like that very badly. I knew that I would never be able to have a dog like that, but one day I decided to order myself an Afghan hound. It all started like …

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…good look at the puppies and realized that it was sausage dogs and not Afghan hounds. I didn't care, because I was so relieved to be back that it didn't matter to me at all. That is how my story ended and now I am only left with a memory of my experience and my new sausage dog friends. At least next time I'll make sure that it is Afghan hounds and not sausage dogs!