Music in Video Games

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Throughout the history of the video game industry, there has been many changes concerning music in video games. Music in video games progressed greatly within the life of the industry from 1972 to the present. These progressions can be seen as improvements in quality which includes an increase in the number of output channels, an increase in song length, a great improvement in the quality of timbres, and also a general shift from non-programmatic music to …

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…history of humankind's development and usage of music. To conclude, the words of Tommy Tallarico, another video game music composer and programmer, perfectly summarize what is happening in the video game industry: When people think of video game music, they have always thought of little bleeps and blips. But now, the industry has changed so radically over the last couple of years as far as music is concerned that it has evolved beyond anyone's expectations.3