Mummification What is the process of mummification described in detail

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Mummification is the process of preparing a body for the after-life. Egyptians believed that there was life after death. By going through this process, they believed that a person's soul would be preserved and the dead would live a happy after-life. The process of mummification takes many days and steps. The organs were preserved, because each organ had a special protector. In the preparation of the mummy, the removal of the brain was the first …

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…ritual texts intended to insure the safety of the body in the afterlife. Often, the tomb walls contained hieroglyphic inscriptions derived from the book of the dead and other religious writings. Their employment was a typical display of the Egyptian's belief in magic. The pyramid writings of the Old Kingdom and the coffin texts of the Middle Kingdom had also been collected. This in summary, is a description of the process of ancient Egyptian Mummification.