Multiple Sclerosis and exercising.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
INTRODUCTION We hear the message everywhere: Regular, moderate physical exercise is good for body, mind, and spirit. Exercise reduces the possibility of coronary disease, lowers blood pressure, raises the good HDL cholesterol, helps to control weight, and cuts the risk of diabetes. It helps protect against stroke, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancer. And many people regularly turn to exercise to reduce stress. But what does this mean for people like me, who live with …

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…or firmly pressing hands on a table or desk and then releasing without lifting. Stretching can and should be incorporated into many everyday routines. Desk workers--or anyone who spends most of the day sitting--should stretch up and reach for the ceiling every hour or so. When reading a book or talking on the telephone, rotate wrists and ankles and stretch out arms and legs. Many stretching exercises can be performed while watching the evening news.