Movie "Young Guns" produced by Christopher Cain - how this movie coincides with the actual west in the late 19th century.

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Produced by Christopher Cain, "Young Guns" opens with the murder of a British ranchowner by a corrupt and ruthless competing cattle rancher. Six 'young guns' played by Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Charlie Sheen, Dermot Mulroney and Casey Siemaszko go seeking revenge and are erroneously branded outlaws by the law, until they can clear their names. Throughout this 1988 film several characteristics of the west depicted coincide with the nature of the west in …

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…as the conflict of man against evil, nature, and a dust-filled boomtown, aspects that closely correspond with that of the actual west in the late 19th Century are also present. As mentioned, several characters in this film are representative either of actual people in the west or are embodiments of groups as a whole. In either instance they, along with the setting and nature of being serve to shed some factual light on the west.