Movie Stars of the 1920s -- this is essay is about a couple different movie stars from the 1920s. some of the stars are Clara Bow, Charlie Chaplin, Lon Chaney and Louise Brooks

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
In the 1920's, there were many famous movies and movie actors. The 1920s were a time when flims really began to become a popular past time, to watch and to star in. In this paper we will explore a few of the actors and actresses who graced the big screen back in the day as well as the movies they starred in. In the 1920s, many of the famous actors were not actors but actresses. …

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…Wallace Reid. Women wanted him and men wanted to be him. While doing a dangerous stunt for a movie, Reid injured himself badly and instead of giving the injury time to heal, he was pumped with the painkiller, morphine, which then started an addiction which then lead to his death in 1923. Not only humans were famous for their roles in movies but also cartoons such as Felix the Cat, Mickey Mouse, and Rin Tin Tin.