Movie Review of the film Gandhi.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Gandhi Movie Review Kevin Kumala 1 In the film 'Gandhi', Ben Kingsley plays the role of Gandhi himself, in an incredible story pertaining to the life and accomplishments of the "Mahatma", the "Great-Soul". It starts with the young Mohandas, the aspiring lawyer in practice and shows of how a determined and young man grew up to be the modern father and peaceful liberator of India and Pakistan from a Colonial Power. It portrayed how a dedicated …

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…a cause had principles similar to Gandhi's. Violent intifadas in the middle-east and brutal secessions in the Balkans might not have occurred. Peaceful transitions of various countries in Asia from being colonized to having self-rule might have happened. And finally, the most recent tragedy that cost thousands their lives might not have transpired if world leaders sought non-violent ways to get their cause and views across, just like the humble and modest intellect from India.