Mount Pinatubo, the volcano itself.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Mount Pinatubo In June 1991, the second largest volcanic eruption of the twentieth century took place on the island of Luzon in the Philippines, only 90 kilometres (55 miles) northwest of the capital city, Manila. Up to 800 people were killed and 100,000 became homeless following the eruptions, which climaxed with nine hours of eruption on the 15th June. On that day, millions of tons of sulphur dioxide were discharged into the atmosphere. This resulted in a decrease in the …

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…were destroyed and 3,137 were damaged. Damage following the eruption was usually caused by lahars - torrents of volcanic debris caused by rain that killed people and animals and buried homes in the months after the eruption. Additionally, an eruption in August 1992 killed 72 people. The United States military never returned to Clark Air Base, turning over the damaged base to the Philippine government on November 26, 1991. Today, the region continues to rebuild and recover from the disaster.