Motivating an audience

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Benefits of Volunteering People volunteer for a wide variety of reasons, especially wanting to help others. Some people are uncomfortable with the notion that a volunteer "benefits" from doing volunteer work. Traditionally, volunteer work is seen as a form of charity based on unselfishness and altruism. The best volunteering does involve the desire to serve others, but this does not exclude other motivations, as well. Instead of considering volunteering as something you do for …

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…there are motives for getting involved. Through various non-profit and public organizations volunteers can lend a helping hand from repainting or repairing a home for the disadvantage to helping brining a hot meal to the elderly. Interacting with individuals of different ages, ethic groups, socioeconomic backgrounds or disabilities make a difference in their lives as well as helping to make our cities a better, healthier and safer place for all of us to live in.