Modern Writing - This essay describes how modern authors such as Ernest Hemmingway, Robert Frost, and Anne Sexton. This essay describes how dark and depressing modern writing can be.

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Modern Writing Dark and grim descriptions of life fill the lines of modernist poems. Modernists writing often describe scenes of loneliness and desolation. The souls of modern writers are empty and separate from the rest of the world. They rarely write about happiness and freedom. The disturbing passages of modernist authors can be credited to feelings of loneliness and alienation. In a poem by Robert Frost, Acquainted With the Night, a rainy street sets the …

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…to entertain others but to tell others how she viewed her role in life. The miserable verses of modernist poets put into words the most depressing emotions of loneliness, desolation, and emptiness a soul could feel. When writing these passages, the poets poured out their souls onto paper and, in the words of Prufrock "threw their nerves on a screen." Modernist writing can be recognized as depressing descriptions of the most distressing aspects of life.