Model United Nations Speach - Mexicos stance on the Kyoto protocol

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
At this very moment pollution is affecting the worlds climate and Mexico is suffering natural disasters associated with these changes, so as you would expect Mexico supports the Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement involving 160 countries that have accepted they will have a cap of greenhouse gas emissions. Mexico being a Still Developing country relies mainly on factories economical gain. Which naturally produce a lot of pollution. So the protocol would seem to financial …

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…countries. So naturally developed countries are the majority of the surplus green house gas buyers. We Mexico feel that only an undeveloped country may opt out of the protocol, if there are sever economic problems due directly to the Protocol. Yet there should be an Alternative to withdrawing from the Protocol hence there should be an option of compensation where the country would be reimbursed to the point of lost funds due to the protocol.