Military Life's Impact

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Military life has made me the great person I am today. My father was in the Navy for twenty-four years. He underwent many days away from the family at sea. Most children without the stern, watchful eye of a father figure turn into troubled kids. However, my mother kept us active to keep our minds off of his absence and developed us into the high achieving yet humble, scholastic yet colorful, students we are today. …

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…as the city of Port Orchard's "Man of the Year" in 1997, nominated for his willingness and support for the children, always illustrating his viewpoint of life: "With nation and community comes elation and unity." I love my father and his passion in doing his part for our country and our freedom. I will do my best to follow in his path and return to the military what the military has already given to me: self.